I have more pics than ever! Exciting, right?
I'm really sorry about not posting lately. I'm very busy right now with my Shetland ponies here at home. Not only that, but recently...
IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Not that's it's important to you, of course. Anyways....
Today we are mainly focusing on appaloosas, but not just them!
Here is one of the unique horse colours I want to talk to you about!
This horse is in the top picture of this post. The horse is on the right. It's white with black spots.
Can you see it?
Even so, here's a pic to help you ...

But even so, they're adorable! Here's another pic of a leopard appaloosa, along with a little leopard appaloosa foal!
Adorable or what?
Leopard appaloosa ponies are a part of the appaloosa family. Their colouring is a type of appaloosa. A regular nickname for these horses is 'Dalmatian' because of their snow-white body with black spots, much like the Dalmatian dog. They have white/silver-blonde/blonde manes and tails.
They are a rather odd colour, aren't they?

But even so, they're adorable! Here's another pic of a leopard appaloosa, along with a little leopard appaloosa foal!
Adorable or what?
Blanket appaloosa ponies are also a part of the appaloosa colouring family. They can be any colour with a splash of white around the rump and belly. On the splash of white can be black or brown spots. It covers the back area and that is why it is referred to as the blanket. Adorable or what??
My friend Alisha has a blanket appaloosa filly called Persia. Sorry, I can't get a pic!
Awww! Adorable little foals!SNOWFLAKE APPALOOSA PONIES
Snowflake appaloosa ponies are the utter opposite of the leopard appaloosa.
They have a black/brown body with white spots. Awww!
Are you excited are the Olympic Equestrian events? I know I am! Can't wait till it starts, can you? :)
I'm looking for a page explaining a particular pony colour and pony breed.
In the page, I want a picture or two of a pony (It doesn't have to be yours, but it can be if you want! But if it is, you need to put down the horse's name. BTW If it's your own horse you get extra points!) and write down a paragraph on the pony's colour (Eg.Chestnut or dun). If you are doing a breed (Eg. The Shire horse or the Shetland pony)
write down where the breed is native to. You can do both if you like!
Email your entry to inluvwithponies@gmail.com before Saturday! I will judge the best on Saturday and post the winner! Sorry, I'm not giving you a whole load of time, but I'm really running late! Just write down your full name and age on the entry. The winner's entry will be posted on the blog on Saturday! BTW There will be a separate winner for the breed and colour. Good Luck!
Kerry Bog Ponies
Sorry, But I have to go.
Thursday 26th July
Next post: Later on this evening!
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