Hi! I'm Perfect Ponies and this is my blog!
Were you looking at the Olympic Equestrian Cross-Country today? If you weren't, I have all the interesting details!
Michael Ryan from the Irish eventing team fell off his horse today in the cross country. Poor Michael! Falling off his horse means disqualification! :O :(!
And Michael today was not the only/
All about ponies, colours, riding, everything!! Adore horses? Read my blog! (Published on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
Monday, 30 July 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Have you heard? I'm getting a new riding pony! I have a skewbald coming on trial in two weeks. WARNING: I'm going on holidays next Sunday 5th August- Wednesday 8th August! Going to Galway- talk about Connemara ponies!
I'm not sure what this skewbald's name is. I just can't wait for him to come! As far as I know, the skewbald is a mare. Yay!
I'm dedicating this post to...
Here's a little thing you didn't know about skewbalds.
The Skewbald Pony
Skewbald is a color pattern of horses. A skewbald horse has a coat made up of white patches on a non-black base coat, such as chestnut, bay, or any color besides black coat. Skewbald horses which are bay and white (bay is a reddish-brown colour with black mane and tail) are sometimes called tricoloured. These horses usually have pink skin under white markings and dark skin under non-white areas. Other than colour, it is similar in appearance to the piebald pattern. Some animals also exhibit colouration of the irises of the eye that match the surrounding skin (blue eyes for white skin, brown for dark). The underlying genetic cause is related to a condition known as leucism.
In British English usage, skewbald and piebald (black and white) are together known ascoloured, and the white markings are called "patches." In North American English, the term for all large spotted colouring is pinto, the and the markings are called "spots." The specialized term "paint" referring specifically to a breed of horse with American Quarter Horseor Thoroughbred bloodlines in addition to being spotted, whereas pinto refers to a spotted horse of any breed. Americans usually describe the colour shade of a pinto literally: black and white, chestnut (or sorrel and white, or bay and white.)
Genetically, a skewbald horse begins most commonly with a chestnut base coat colour (called "red" by geneticists), or some other set of colour genes other than black. Then the horse has an allele for one of three basic spotting patterns overlaying the base colour. The most common coloured spotting pattern is called tobiano, and is a dominant gene. Tobiano creates spots that are large and rounded, usually with a somewhat vertical orientation, with white that usually crosses the back of the horse, white on the legs, with the head mostly dark. Three less common spotting genes are the frame and splash overo genes, which create a mostly dark, jagged spotting with a horizontal orientation, white on the head, but dark or minimally marked legs. The sabino pattern can be very minimal, usually adding white that runs up the legs onto the belly or flanks, with "lacy" or roaning at the edge of the white, plus white on the head that either extendings past the eye, over the chin, or both. The genetics of overo and sabino are not yet fully understood, but they can appear in the offspring of two solid-coloured parents, whereas a tobiano must always have at least one tobiano parent.
To save myself the bother, I copied this from Wikipedia. Please don't use Wiki for my competitions.
Thanks to Wikipedia
I want to find names for a skewbald. This skewbald I'm getting will likely have a name already, but I just want to see what great names you guys can come up with! Email them to me at inluvwithponies@gmail.com
With you name, please! Have them in by Tuesday, thanks!
I got to go!
Perfect ponies!
Next post: Tomorrow
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Hi! I'm Perfect Ponies and this is my blog!
I'm sorry, I can't blog for long. I'm just gonna announce the winners and I'm out.
I might do another post later though!
My web-address: inluvwithponies.blogspot.com
The winner for the Pony colour is ...
Maura-Anne Kelly for her submission on grey ponies
Here's her entry!
Congratulations Maura-Anne!
The next winner for the pony breed is...
Jessica Maybury!
Here's Jessica's entry:
Jessica Maybury
I'm sorry, I can't blog for long. I'm just gonna announce the winners and I'm out.
I might do another post later though!
My web-address: inluvwithponies.blogspot.com
The winner for the Pony colour is ...
Maura-Anne Kelly for her submission on grey ponies
Here's her entry!
Maura-Anne Kelly
13 years
Grey ponies
grey is a coat color of horses characterized by progressive silvering of the colored hairs of the coat.Most gray horses have black skin and dark eyes; unlike many depigmentation genes, gray does not affect skin or eye color. Their adult hair coat is white, dappled, or white intermingled with hairs of other colors. Gray horses may be born any base color, depending on other color genes present. White hairs begin to appear at or shortly after birth and become progressively lighter as the horse ages. Graying can occur at different rates—very quickly on one horse and very slowly on another.
Gray horses appear in many breeds, though the color is most commonly seen in breeds descended from Arabian ancestors. Some breeds that have large numbers of gray-colored horses include the Thoroughbred, the Arabian, the American Quarter Horse, the Percheron, the Andalusian, the Welsh pony, and the most famous of all gray horse breeds, the Lipizzaner.
Congratulations Maura-Anne!
The next winner for the pony breed is...
Jessica Maybury!
Here's Jessica's entry:
Jessica Maybury
Shetland ponies
The Shetland pony is a breed of pony originating in the Shetland Isles. Shetlands range in size from a minimum height of approximately 28 inches to an official maximum height of 42 inches (10.2 hands, 107 cm) at the withers. (11.2 hands for American Shetlands) Shetland ponies have heavy coats, short legs and are considered quite intelligent. They are a very strong breed of pony, used for riding, driving, and pack purposes.
Congratulations Jessica!
My web-address: inluvwithponies.blogspot.com
Next blog: Hopefully later on!
Congratulations Jessica!
My web-address: inluvwithponies.blogspot.com
Next blog: Hopefully later on!
Friday, 27 July 2012
Ponies! Yay!
Hi! I'm Perfect Ponies and this is my blog!
Today is the day of the opening Ceremony in the Olympics! Exciting, right?
I've promised you coverage at the Olympic Equestrian Events and don't think I've forgotten!
Here's the timetable for the equestrian events
July 28th - Individual Eventing
July 29th - Dressage
30th July - Individual Eventing
12:30 - Cross-country
31st July - Individual Eventing
10:30 - Jumping qualifiers
31st July - Individual Eventing
14:30 - Jumping finals
That's what I'm giving you for now. I want to talk to you about my contest from yesterday. I probably should have told you this yesterday. If you are entering, you should be reading. I've been looking at a couple submissions and they look very complicated. In fact, some of them are the exact same as others. Most of you are copying from Wikipedia and other websites. I don't want you to do that. I'd prefer if you'd use your knowledge rather than the internet.
Next blog: Later on!
Thursday, 26 July 2012
More! More! More!
Hi! I'm Perfect Ponies and this is my blog!
I have more pics than ever! Exciting, right?
I'm really sorry about not posting lately. I'm very busy right now with my Shetland ponies here at home. Not only that, but recently...
I have more pics than ever! Exciting, right?
I'm really sorry about not posting lately. I'm very busy right now with my Shetland ponies here at home. Not only that, but recently...
IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Not that's it's important to you, of course. Anyways....
Today we are mainly focusing on appaloosas, but not just them!
Here is one of the unique horse colours I want to talk to you about!
This horse is in the top picture of this post. The horse is on the right. It's white with black spots.
Can you see it?
Even so, here's a pic to help you ...

But even so, they're adorable! Here's another pic of a leopard appaloosa, along with a little leopard appaloosa foal!
Adorable or what?
Leopard appaloosa ponies are a part of the appaloosa family. Their colouring is a type of appaloosa. A regular nickname for these horses is 'Dalmatian' because of their snow-white body with black spots, much like the Dalmatian dog. They have white/silver-blonde/blonde manes and tails.
They are a rather odd colour, aren't they?

But even so, they're adorable! Here's another pic of a leopard appaloosa, along with a little leopard appaloosa foal!
Adorable or what?
Blanket appaloosa ponies are also a part of the appaloosa colouring family. They can be any colour with a splash of white around the rump and belly. On the splash of white can be black or brown spots. It covers the back area and that is why it is referred to as the blanket. Adorable or what??
My friend Alisha has a blanket appaloosa filly called Persia. Sorry, I can't get a pic!
Awww! Adorable little foals!SNOWFLAKE APPALOOSA PONIES
Snowflake appaloosa ponies are the utter opposite of the leopard appaloosa.
They have a black/brown body with white spots. Awww!
Are you excited are the Olympic Equestrian events? I know I am! Can't wait till it starts, can you? :)
I'm looking for a page explaining a particular pony colour and pony breed.
In the page, I want a picture or two of a pony (It doesn't have to be yours, but it can be if you want! But if it is, you need to put down the horse's name. BTW If it's your own horse you get extra points!) and write down a paragraph on the pony's colour (Eg.Chestnut or dun). If you are doing a breed (Eg. The Shire horse or the Shetland pony)
write down where the breed is native to. You can do both if you like!
Email your entry to inluvwithponies@gmail.com before Saturday! I will judge the best on Saturday and post the winner! Sorry, I'm not giving you a whole load of time, but I'm really running late! Just write down your full name and age on the entry. The winner's entry will be posted on the blog on Saturday! BTW There will be a separate winner for the breed and colour. Good Luck!
Kerry Bog Ponies
Sorry, But I have to go.
Thursday 26th July
Next post: Later on this evening!
Saturday, 14 July 2012
News! News! News!
Hi! I'm Perfect Ponies and this is my blog!
Can you wait for the Olympics? Countless numbers of sports, including dressage, showjumping and eventing! The equestrian sports shall be getting underway on Saturday 28th!
A pic of Greenwich Eventing Park!
Many teams will compete here for the eventing, happening in just a matter of weeks!
Ireland's eventing team for London 2012:
Michael Ryan
Aoife Clarke
Mark Kyle
Joseph Murphy
Camilla Speirs
Who's on your country's team? Tell me in the comments and I'll post them here!
Look, sorry but I gotta go, really!
Leaving it at that. Have more next time!
14th July 2012
- A
Next Post : ? Suprise! ?
Monday, 9 July 2012
Famous Horse Trials!
I'm doing a second post today because I can't on Wednesday or Friday. I'm also doing two on Saturday. Have you heard? William Fox-Pitt and his horse Parklane Hawk won the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event! This event was produced by Equestrian Events, inc.! This gifted rider and his talented horse put in a fabulous effort in the end that put them out into the lead and it caused quite a sensation when they won! It might or might not have been a while ago, but it was only now I'm writing a post about it!
Anyways, in May, Badminton Horse Trials was cancelled due to heavy rainfall that left the ground at Badminton totally water-logged and boggy. Last year's winner, New Zealand eventing legend Mark Todd, won his fourth Badminton event last year.
Burghley Horse Trials is taking place on the 30th August - 2nd September.
Meanwhile, the Olympics are coming up and a lot of eventers will compete in the dressage, showjumping, cross-country, eventing, etc. etc.
This is Pippa Funnell and her main eventing horse
named Redesign.
Mahogany bay Shagya Arabian horse
with no markings.
Anyways, in May, Badminton Horse Trials was cancelled due to heavy rainfall that left the ground at Badminton totally water-logged and boggy. Last year's winner, New Zealand eventing legend Mark Todd, won his fourth Badminton event last year.
Burghley Horse Trials is taking place on the 30th August - 2nd September.
Meanwhile, the Olympics are coming up and a lot of eventers will compete in the dressage, showjumping, cross-country, eventing, etc. etc.
This is Pippa Funnell and her main eventing horse
named Redesign.
Mahogany bay Shagya Arabian horse

Can't wait for the Olympics? Neither can I! And I'll be here, covering all the eventing and equestrian action!
Just stay reading this blog and you'll know everything that's going on camera and behind the scenes of the Olympic Equestrian events! Stay tuned to this blog! Catch up on interviews with some of the eventing riders
nearer to the time. Stay tuned!
I'm really sorry it's so short.
- A
9th July 2012
Next Blog: 14th July 2012
Starting off
Hi! This is my blog! Inluvwithponies.blogspot is my address. This is my first ever post! Each post is packed with useful tips and information and to die for pics! Have a look!
Anyways, here is a pic of a liver chestnut that I found on Google Images. Cute or what?
Want to know whats really, really, REALLY cute? Foals! Here is a pic of a palomino foal. Think this is adorable? Take a look at this! An Adorable skewbald filly! After that is a Sorraia foal, then it's a red roan colt. Then it's a silver dapple colt. That's all the foal pics I have!
Say hello to Molly the Palomino!
Isn't she just adorable?
So the Olympics is coming up at the end of the month. The Olympics goes on for sixty days, with is two months. In the Olympics, eventing, dressage and showjumping some of the sports. I can't wait, can you?
Have you ever heard of Stacy Gregg? I've read some of her books and they are amazing. She is my favourite author and she really inspired me. I love her books!
I'm so sorry, but I have to leave it at that.
I have horse-riding camp tomorrow till Friday so that means the next blog will be on Saturday instead of on Wednesday and then Friday.
- A
9th July 2012
Next Blog: Later on this evening
Anyways, here is a pic of a liver chestnut that I found on Google Images. Cute or what?
Want to know whats really, really, REALLY cute? Foals! Here is a pic of a palomino foal. Think this is adorable? Take a look at this! An Adorable skewbald filly! After that is a Sorraia foal, then it's a red roan colt. Then it's a silver dapple colt. That's all the foal pics I have!
Say hello to Molly the Palomino!
Isn't she just adorable?
So the Olympics is coming up at the end of the month. The Olympics goes on for sixty days, with is two months. In the Olympics, eventing, dressage and showjumping some of the sports. I can't wait, can you?
Have you ever heard of Stacy Gregg? I've read some of her books and they are amazing. She is my favourite author and she really inspired me. I love her books!
I'm so sorry, but I have to leave it at that.
I have horse-riding camp tomorrow till Friday so that means the next blog will be on Saturday instead of on Wednesday and then Friday.
- A
9th July 2012
Next Blog: Later on this evening
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