Wednesday 10 October 2012


Thanks to all of you I have reached 1000 viewers!
Thanks so much guys - this means a lot!
I writing a story a the moment - not going to be published! Just
a normal story! I thought I would just put up a 2 chapters. It's not great - I know! PLEASE don't put up bad, mean comments about it because
I'm A LOT younger than you think!
But first - since I'm Irish - I'm going to say thanks in Irish :)!
(I should remind you, it might no be great because I'm not great at it!)

Go raibh maith agat do gach duine an oiread sin - ciallaíonn sé go leor chun teacht ar lucht féachana 1000!
Go raibh maith agat as cuidiú liom a fháil ann! : Thanks so much everyone - It means a lot to reach 1000 viewers! Thanks for helping me get there!

The story is called 'Bitter Truth' and is a Not an adults book. It's for kids (10 +)! It combines horror and horses - the best themes for my writing.

   Chapter One

Rew White watched the chestnut colt as he played, chasing his mother around the field. Rew put down her bag and climbed up onto the wooden post-and-rail fencing to sit down and watch. At that very moment, the colt turned his head and saw her. He bounded up to her like a puppy, nickering happily to her and she reached out her hand to stroke him.
“Hey, Flame,” she whispered to the colt, noticing how much the colt has grown in the past year. The colt’s name, Flame, was given to him by Rew because of his glowing chestnut coat. His dam was almost identical him, the magnificent chestnut mare Flair. Rew and her family were very horsy. They lived on a stud farm with just over 50 horses!  Flair was classically trained in the haute ecole dressage movements from The Spanish Riding School in Vienna. Then she was abandoned, left alone to starve. Then when Rew’s dad took her and her sisters on a trip to Austria to see the riding school, they found the amazing mare and took her back with them.
His sire was a black Dutch Warmblood named Black Shadow. He was amazing. But he died three months ago and it hit Rew hard. Every night she would always dream about him, cantering rider-less in the dark, with fog and mist in the background. Sometimes she would even imagine him coming back to her. She would often see him waiting for her in the shadows outside her bedroom window, but by the time she was outside to meet him he would have disappeared into the night. Her family have tried to talk to her about it but she doesn’t want to listen. She refuses to believe that her special horse was gone. Black Shadow was 16.2 hands high and she had always ridden him, and he was always good to her, even if he was a stallion. Rew was only eight, and if she had ridden stallions before you wouldn’t think it. But she had riding talent beyond her dreams. She started to ride at a very young age and she doesn’t realize she’s such an amazing rider. She was in a day dream about Black Shadow when she was suddenly shaken out of her fantasy by someone calling her name.
“Rew! Where are you? It’s almost dark. Do I have to drag you?” Rew heard the stern tone of her mother’s voice. She quickly hopped down and grabbed her bag.
Rew was still pretty upset about moving here, even if it was beautiful.  They were based in Riverside Valley, a rainy little piece of land in the centre of Ireland with lovely scenes and lots of ponies! Six months ago they moved out of Ireland and out of Riverside Valley , leaving over half of their horses behind them, giving the land to their uncle. Instead they moved into a massive stud farm with loads of horses and ponies waiting for them. This stud farm was based in, in the heart of rural Wiltshire.
Rew had loved so many of the horses they left behind. It was so heart-breaking to give them to her uncle. At least she knew they would be cared for well.
Black Shadow and Flair were two of the horses they took with them. Sadly, Black Shadow was effected by the plane ride and new surroundings so much that Rew thought it might have made him sick. But the tests hadn’t come back yet and she wasn’t so sure what had happened. The vet didn’t know either and called every other vet and more people and they don’t know either.
Rew took one last, longing gaze at Flame and his dam before walking down the dusty dirt path to their mansion of a house.
Rew’s mum wasn’t so pleased to see her daughter coming in so late. “Honey, really? I don’t want you staying with that mare and colt all day long!”
“Why’d you want me, Mum? I already had dinner and I’m not that tired…” Her mother shook her head in disbelief.
“Honey, maybe I want to lay eyes on you for just a minute to make sure you exist! That colt has gotten you hypnotized!”
Rew decided not to answer. Instead she slipped past her, heading for the fridge.
Rew had a big family. There was her parents, Anita and John White,  and her 11-year-old sister Olivia. She also had a15-year-old sister Lauren, and a 16-year-old snobby sister Monica. She had a younger brother Evan, who was four, and twins with Jack. The oldest was Cherise. Cherise is 27 and moved out last year. She recently got married and is on a honeymoon in Kenya with her new husband, John Maybury.
Rew headed for bed. It was a tiring day.


   Chapter Two


The next morning Rew and Olivia decided to go for a hack in Spring Meadow. Spring Meadow was the pretty little meadow that bordered the back of their stud farm. At the very edge of the meadow was Dark Forest. The Dark Forest is a cold, dark forest that had all kinds of scary things in it. Rew and Olivia weren’t allowed cross the border between Spring Meadow and Dark Forest.
The girls decided to take the twin Lipizzaner mares Crystal and Snowbell.
“Here Crystal! Here Snowbell!” Olivia yelled. The snow-white mares looked up from their grass. Giving a loud whinny, Crystal galloped up to the gate with Snowbell following behind at a fast canter.
“Hey, girls,” Rew giggled as the ponies reached the gate, “Ready to ride?”
“Of course they are!” Olivia laughed, giving Crystal a pat, “They never, ever want to a miss riding through the Falls!” The Falls were a gathering of waterfalls on a bridge that looked amazing. Below it was Seabed Beach, the ideal place to go for a good gallop, or a trot, canter and walk.
“But I thought we were going through Spring Meadow…” Rew was confused. Couldn’t her sister make up her mind?
“Oh, I know,” she sighed, “She just loves a ride through the Falls!”
As the girls tacked up, Olivia noticed something strange.
“Ohmygosh!” she squealed, “It’s Kristy!”
Kristy was Olivia’s best friend. They went to pony club together and they both adore horses.
By the time they had noticed Kristy, the girls were finished tacking and about to mount up. The girls grabbed their ponies and rushed down the lane to meet their friend.
“Kristy!” Rew and Olivia said together. Kristy had been forced to leave their pony club by her posh, rich parents and forced to have private lessons instead. Kristy had hated the idea of leaving the pony club behind, but she had to do what her parents’ asked.
“Ohmygosh! It’s you!” The girls gave Kristy massive hugs.
“I haven’t seen you guys in ages!” Kristy groaned, “I’ve been miserable without you!” Kristy’s parents were so uptight about her mixing with people that weren’t as rich or as posh as they were. The made her switch to a private, expensive school called Kingswood.
“We were just tacking up Snowbell and Crystal,” Rew was telling her, “You can go on Sparky, the dapple grey in the Gelding’s stables, if you want.”
“I’d love to!” She grinned, “let’s tack her up!”

After Sparky was tacked up, the three girls mounted up and set off to Spring Meadow.
“I haven’t seen Sparky in so long…” Kristy murmured, stroking his neck, “ The last time I saw him he was a tiny, newborn foal!”
“Wow!” Rew grinned, “You missed a lot!”
The girls walked up the dirt and gravel path and through to the entrance to the beautiful meadow.
“Ready, guys?” Olivia gathered up her reins, “let’s try a canter.”
Olivia kicked Crystal on, cantering up the dusty dirt track and through the big trees, long plants and brightly coloured flowers with Rew and Kristy following at her heels.
After five or ten minutes, they came to the border of Spring Meadow. Olivia pulled Crystal to a halt, and as did Sparky and Snowbell. Right in front of her was the entrance to Dark Forest.
“Why’d we stop?” Kristy asked
“Sorry, Kris, but we can’t go here,” Rew said, “This is Dark Forest. We’re banned from entering here. Even Monica isn’t allowed!”
“I don’t see what’s so bad about it,” Kristy sniffed, “Have you guys ever heard of breaking the rules? C’mon, Liv, surely you can go with me. We’re both 11.”
“But, Olivia!” Rew objected, “You can’t! You’ll get killed if Mum and Dad find out. Surely you have some sense?”
Olivia swallowed. “Uhm, sorry, Kristy. We can’t go there. It’s too dangerous.” Kristy shook her head.
 “You guys are unbelievable. Have some fun! Honestly,” Kristy shook her head, “If I’m the only one that understands the term ‘fun’ then I should be the only one to go in there.” With that, Kristy pushed Sparky into a trot, entering the deep, dark woods.
“No! Kristy!” Olivia cried after her, “Don’t! Come back!”
Olivia didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t just turn around and leave Kristy alone. Could she?
Then the girls heard a scream. It had to be Kristy!

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't PLEASE don't write mean comments cause I'm a lot younger than you all think!

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